Relm is an app that allows users to sync their smart home devices to their biorhythm. Using my past research as an Interior Designer, I designed a way for homes to fit lives, starting with a person’s circadian rhythm. Relm functions in three phases: awake, transition, and asleep. These phases use evidence-based research to control smart home settings of light, temperature, and sound for optimal biorhythm support.


This project gave me the opportunity to focus on user experience design. In developing the app, I knew that Relm would need a library of icons showing its variety of functions.

The icon system below was designed with a standardized 32-pixel grid and rules for corner treatment.



The Relm app has a user's world at their fingertips, from smart home settings to their own biodata recorded from a wearable device like a smart watch. Relm includes smart home widgets for devices like smart mirrors pictured below.


Pictured above is Relm’s brand brochure with explains how it works and functions within a home.

I designed a plan to launch Relm with a booth at the tech conference, CES. The Relm booth invites visitors to learn more at the interactive info bar and then experience Relm first-hand through the Relm Pods which conform to their biorhythms with lights, temperature, and speakers.


As I considered ways that the public would encounter Relm, I knew the core challenge would be to create language for a complex system that was descriptive and easily understandable. The poster series below explains the ways Relm can support different parts of a user’s life.